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Kanne, Fragment, ca. 15. Jh. (Oberhausmuseum Passau).
Copyright: Oberhausmuseum Passau

Digital Strategies

ViSIT offers a digital infrastructure whose tool package consists of several components: a database, museum applications and an app framework for exhibitions and museums. The package is designed to facilitate curating - and thus also communication. Details can be found under the headings Applications, Practice and Data.

But every exhibition needs one thing in equal measure - visitors! The project factor "touristic development of cultural heritage" was accompanied by the Forschungsgesellschaft Salzburg Research mbH. In particular, the digital structural change in the areas of cultural mediation and marketing was examined. The results were concentrated together in a concept for e-cultural tourism, which is available in the category "Network Systems".

Halbbatzen des Hochstifts Passau, Avers (Oberhausmuseum Passau).
Copyright: Oberhausmuseum Passau