Loading 3D model

Siegelplatte, 1368 (Oberhausmuseum Passau).
Copyright: Oberhausmuseum Passau

3D and more

In the media database, digital representations matching the information - from small archaeological finds to entire castle complexes - are stored and retrievable in different compressions. Various methods were used for digitisation, which are described in more detail under the heading Digitisation. Results can be seen here in the ViSIT website. Best practices developed in the project for the practice of digitisation in museums are offered in the section Network Systems.

Applications for the museum sector are also linked to the media database. On the one hand, this includes software for the creation of tablet tours, by means of which information on buildings, space and diverse historical contexts and overarching references can be made easily accessible. On the other hand, there is software that can be used to create a museum installation: A "telescope" with virtual settings. In ViSIT it is used by the curatorial partners, the Oberhausmuseum Passau and the Festung Kufstein. Triggered by the guest's interaction with the telescope, layers are faded into the display - with the help of augmented reality - showing information about the cultural area, its castles, historical centres and trade routes. In Kufstein, this is done via a cartographic view - a broad panorama set up inside the Fuchsturm. From the observation tower of the Veste Oberhaus, the view is directed towards the real Inn and Danube region.

Copyright: Universität Passau